Wotti Gilbert Washi 

Wotti Gilbert Washi 


Our Pricing 

App and website

 Our prices are very consumer friendly and varied according to the instution.

Terms and conditions apply 

Primary School.

   Each pupil is required to pay 10,000/= to the school for the service  per term so that the school can facilitate the program. 

Secondary School

Each Student is required to pay 15,000/= to the school for the service per term so that the school can facilitate the program.

Higher Institutions 

 Every student pays 20,000/= to the instution  per semester  to enable the institution run the programme. Emphasis  on high institutions  is because they take more software packages which require regular maintenance and updating.

Extra services taken include;

  • Online Suggestion  box
  • Assignments and tests
  • Academic resource centers 

The above pricing was designed to ensure that the consumer obtains the service with ease. For all client institutions,  the service fee is collected by the school itself and is later paid to the agreed account.

  Management of all platforms  will be done by the developers  in real time to ensure smooth running of the programme. 

Wotti Gilbert Washi